
writing is a panacea for many people only a few realize it. for student, writing can be a tool to communicate his feelings, dream, protests and even love.

i read once that an illness even can be discovered if one always notes down the symptoms that he encounter most of the time. and one can be healthier mentally if he can express whatever cross in his mind and feeling through writing (as one of the tools)….(why do I suddenly remember the Freudian theory that freedom is a must for one’s growth)


teachers ….this is the time for you to not only talking about how important to write is. rather, give evidence…….show that you eager to write….besides..being a teacher means that you need to be a role model right?


Posted by on January 12, 2011 in EDUCATION


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the tiwuls

makan tiwul….dan other traditional food. makes me much better

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Posted by on October 20, 2010 in JUICY JUICE



i am getting marrieeeeeeeeeeeeeeedddddddddddddddddddddddddd   ……thank you Honey, love you sooo much.

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Posted by on July 13, 2010 in JUICY JUICE, moslem, SyeDaP


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Buku Pertamaku

Alhamdulillaah, bukuku sudah terbit. meskipun sederhana ku harap bisa bermanfaat bagi banyak orang. itu buku berdasarkan riset perpustakaan dan internet dan wawancara dengan para pemenang beasiswa.judulnya RAIH BEASISWA KE LUAR NEGERI SEKARANG JUGA, terbitan BENTANG PUSTAKA yogya. bisa di beli di Gramedia, Toga Mas, Mizan, Mizan Book Corner dll.


Posted by on May 3, 2010 in EDUCATION, JUICY JUICE


what’s your ideology

Learning about ideology is important for everyone, especially for the young people as potential agent of change. there will be a time when they will replace the older generation, the crucial time as they need to make a lot of public policies requiring serious and deep thought.

ideology enables people to think clearly and in argumentative way instead of talking emotionally. think of demonstrants who never learn about any ideology, chances are they will end up with blank slogan which only them and God know the hidden meaning. so let them talk two.

i wonder why we dont educate ourselves and our young people with ideology. it can fight againts narrow mindness, ignorance or even hedonism because there you can find philosophical thought which makes people become more mature.


Posted by on January 5, 2010 in EDUCATION


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soe hok Gie

Soe Hok Gie
after reading the book titled “soe hok gie sekali lagi” i found out that I have been such a spoiled woman though I am the independent one. hmm the word ‘independent’ now clearly reveals that my world is just spinning in one axis only that is my central ego. it is true that I am independent but that is only for fulfilling my needs. only once in a while that my mind thinks of somebody else, except my fam.

compared to the young restless intelectual Hok-Gie, I feel ashamed of my deliberate ignorance toward my people.

I mean, I am also intellectual, I am part of the few selected people who can have education at university, yet, all I have done only caring about my future life, carreer and such money savings.
cannot I just lend my mind to think of others?

and here comes the book, thank you for enlightening my life, never too late to change and to ponder before saying goodbye to this worldly life.

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Posted by on December 24, 2009 in JUICY JUICE


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What I should Learn from MJ

though it may be late to write about the death of the King of Pop, I still want to share what I should learn from him.

as seen from the sincere and deep condolences that his fans show in the funeral ceremony, Michael trully is a person who has transferred love; the ultimate positive energy to many people in the world.  He ain’t my brother nor my acquintance but when he left, my heart sank quite deeply. that my friend, is more than because of the magic of his songs but his very honesty and sincerity touch our heart from the very inside.

he shares the good things of his life.

that’s what I should learn from him. He shares the good things in his life.

and I do believe everyone of us could do the same. we dont have to be as billionaire as he is, just see around and try to not hurting people in your surrounding by the small things of yours; body language, words, even mind.

MJ may be had never taught that he has been dearly loved by million of people.

his caring and compassion makes him more human.

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Posted by on July 11, 2009 in Uncategorized


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Hujan Bulan Juni Sapardi Djoko Damono

 tak ada yang lebih tabah dari hujan bulan Juni dirahasiakannya rintik rindunya kepada pohon berbunga itu


tak ada yang lebih bijak dari hujan bulan Juni dihapusnya jejak-jejak kakinya yang ragu-ragu di jalan itu

tak ada yang lebih arif dari hujan bulan Juni dibiarkannya yang tak terucapkan diserap akar pohon bunga itu


eyang sapadi, pinjem puisinya yah untuk seseorang yang sudah duluan pulang, meninggalkan banyak airmata haru, rindu dan kebanggaan karena pernah memilki cintanya……….

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Posted by on July 7, 2009 in JUICY JUICE, Uncategorized


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For GOD Sake, NO OW pleaze

mind your body weight, I MEAN IT.


our heart (jantung) should work much much harder as it should pump the blood circulating the entire parts which need it.

many illnesses really stem from your body weight. even it can give woman a mioma, well of course when it combined with bad life styles.

well, keeping your body in a pretty good shape will give u pretty benefits….

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Posted by on May 24, 2009 in HEALTH


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ME n Endometriosis

after sometimes that i have not written anything here then I come with the latest update of myself.

I have endometriosis with me.

what is that?

is a medical condition in which endometrial cell is deposited in areas outside the uterine cavity.  it causes pain a lot ,I can have a baby but, difficult.

the cause?

many theories surrounding this illness: alergic, reflux of the menarche blood, etc.

who can suffer from it?

any woman especially those who have not delivered baby after 30 years old.

lots of the patients are career women who delay their pregnancy ( God, You know, i did not delay anything here, am not just married yet…….:(……:)   )


it’s big news for me, I know what I am facing here, I have read lots of articles about it and i am just preparing for everything in my life, which would not be the same any more, hm hm, never be the same.

recently i had excruciating painful, sometimes so hurt that I just want to lay down my body and not do anything. this illness might not kill me but somehow it can bound the internal organ of the body severely, and yup, that pain is really annoying.


here comes tomato, the magic fruit that can slow down the growth of endometriosis. i consume it almost everyday, the juice without sugar. the pain is still there.

lately I decided to work out, i buy treadmill and give myself time to exercise. i can say amazingly the pain is gone now, and the tomato juice is still my best friend.

my doctor said: “you still can have baby with that”

the fact: endometriosis can gimme difficulties to bear any offspring.

so what I must do now actually is to find out what stadium of my illness is.

i raise my hands to you God, may you bless me with miracless and with the easy ways, amen


Posted by on May 24, 2009 in HEALTH


…………………………….. nothing for this moment


Posted by on May 24, 2009 in JUICY JUICE





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Posted by on January 24, 2009 in ChiLdreN, moslem, Moslem WorLd


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Sebelumnya ane mau ngucapin EID MUBARRAK ke setiap saudara muslim yang insya Allah merayakan idul fitri hari ini tanggal 1 oktober 2008.  seperti biasa habis sholat eid, my fam and I went to Balai RW untuk salam2 an ama orang sekampung. lumayan pegel tapi seneng juga, alhamdl lancar.


seperti biasa juga, kalimat yang sering terucap adalah: mohon maaf lahir dan batin, minal aidzin wal faidzin.

saya jadi bertanya-tanya, sejak kapan minal aidzin wal faidzin berarti maaf lahir dan bathin. yah karena seringnya bersandingan jadi orang asosiasinya frase bahasa arab itu artinya mohon maaf lahir dan bathin. padahal ini kalau kagak salah ustadzku jaman dulu pernah bilang itu artinya dari golongan yang kembali dan dari golongan yang menang.

naah jangan2 kita semua menyangka minal aidin wal faidzin berarti minta maaf lahir bathin…..???/ hehehehe.

terus bilang apa dong kalu lebaran,  rasul SAW selalu bilang gini nih kalau lagi idl fitr:

taqobbalallaahu minna wa minkum ( boleh ditambah: shiyamanaa wa shiyamakum , sahabat rasul yang kadang menambahkan).

artinya? lebih kontekstual dengan idl fitr:

semoga Allah menerima (ibadah ) ku dan kalian ( dan semoga ALLAH menerima puasa ku dan kalian) .

wallaahu a’lam




Posted by on October 1, 2008 in EDUCATION, moslem


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